Friday, February 18, 2011

10 Mintue Solution: Target Toning

Cindy Whitmarsh, the trainer in this video, started me out with weight lifting. I saw how perfect her body was and I wanted it! So I started her workout every other day for a few weeks. I saw some minor results in my legs and biceps, but nothing significant to continue this workout.

She takes you through five segments, four workouts and one stretch. You really feel the workouts in each spot she's targeting, but not like a burn from other weight lifting workouts I've done.

The music is dumb, just basic workout music but some of it's catchy. She is pretty fake in her approach to this, I'm sure she's different in real life, but on here she just acts goofy and slurs some of her words.

Doesn't change the fact that this is a GREAT workout for people starting out weight training. It gets you familiar with basic lifting moves, terms, muscles and positions. She stresses good posture and pushing through the burn.

It's available on new for about $7 and available to Watch Instantly on Netflix. Really great overall, four out of five stars.

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