Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crunch: Burn & Firm Pilates

This is the only Crunch workout worth doing. This instructor, Ellen Barrett, is great and she does a few DVDs apart from the Crunch series.

She explains these pilates moves, with variations, so anyone of any fitness level can start with this. Pilates is based on dance moves, focusing on balance and precision. If you think that may be difficult please consult your physician.

The music is moderately paced, and Asian inspired. It's nice, not terrific, but nice especially since we're talking about Crunch here.

There is standing work, mat work, stretching and minor balancing. She seems to only suggest balancing acts of you're advanced, understanding not everyone is as fit as she is.

I'm going to keep this one short and sweet. It's available on for about $9 used. It's ok, but probably not worth $9 when you can buy a better Pilates workout for the same or cheaper price.

Overall, and taking into consideration the abominations of  the other Crunch workouts, I'll give this three out of five stars.

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