Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crunch Workouts

Grr... that's always my first reaction to these workouts, with exception of the Burn & Firm Pilates. I've tried all available on Watch Instantly-Netflix and let me tell you that's all I ever want to try!

These are really terrible. Most of them are too fast-paced and leaves you going "Huh? What's going on?" After every move, when adding onto the interval, they add another... and another... and another AND THEN we have to start from the beginning without practice and the instructors expect you to just remember all these moves... grr...

The instructors are also too happy. I know, you're reading this saying "And that's a bad thing??" YES, it is. They make you want to smack them because no one is that happy! Especially when you're working out. You just want to get done, get to the end, and these people seem to be enjoying your suffering. Smiling at your suffering. Grr... again.

The music is stupid, honestly. It's not fun, but maybe that's just because you're so frustrated from the moves and the instructors that you just don't give a damn about the stupid music.

The intervals are beyond terrible, the instructors are annoying, the moves are too hard to understand and the music is stupid. I guess it's only saving grace is that any workout is better than no workout. I'd tell you how much it runs for online, but I don't want you to buy it.

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